Album cover for Gealdýr's album 'Vígríðr'

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Album cover for Gealdýr's album 'Vígríðr'


Vígríðr, meaning ‘battle-surge’, is a large field foretold to host the battle of the Gods as part of the events of Ragnarök. The album explores the sagas which dive deep into the last events of Ragnarök.

Most of the songs on the album are in Old Norse, apart from Wulf Ond Eadwacer and Middangaerd, which are in Old English. These are Gealdýr’s first renditions of Old English literature.



Svipum hef ek nú yppt
fyr sigtíva sonum,
við þat skal vilbjörg vaka; öllum ásum þat skal inn koma Ægis bekki á, Ægis drekku at.

Hétumk Grímr, hétumk Gangleri,
 Herjann ok Hjalmberi,
Þekkr ok Þriði,
Þundr ok Uðr, Herblindi ok Hár.

Óðinn ek nú heiti,
Yggr ek áðan hét,
hétumk Þundr fyr þat,
Vakr ok Skilfingr,
Váfuðr ok Hroftatýr,
Gautr ok Jalkr með goðum, Ófnir ok Sváfnir,
er ek hygg, at orðnir sé allir af einum mér.

I have shown my face in the presence of Gods, now help is on its way.
It will come
to all the gods
on Aegir’s benches,
When they drink at Aegir’s place.I have called myself Grim, I have called myself wanderer, Warrior and Helmet-Wearer, Famed One and Third One, Thunder and Wave,
Hel-Blind and One-EyeOdin is my name.
But before they called me Terror, and Thunder before that,
and Waker and Killer,
and Confuser and Orator-God, Heat-Maker, Sleep-Maker,
both Gelding and Father!
I think all these names were used for me alone.


Allir Einherjar Óðins túnum í höggvask hverjan dag, val þeir kjósa
ok ríða vígi frá,
sitja meir of sáttir saman.

Fimm hundruð dura ok umb fjórum tögum,
svá hygg ek á Valhöllu vera;
átta hundruð Einherja ganga senn ór einum durum,
 þá er þeir fara við vitni at vega.

Allir Einherjar Óðins túnum í höggvask hverjan dag,

Allir Einherjar Óðins túnum í höggvask hverjan dag,

All the Einherjar fight in Odin’s courts every day;
they choose the slain and ride from battle; then they sit more at peace together

Five hundred doors and forty
I think that Slain-hall has;
eight hundred Einherjar walk through each door, when they go off to battle the wolf.

All the Einherjar fight in Odin’s courts every day;

All the Einherjar fight in Odin’s courts every day;

Wulf Ond Eadwacer

Wulf is on īeġe, iċ on ōþerre.
Fæst is þæt ēġlond, fenne biworpen.
Sindon wælrēowe weras þǣr on īġe;
willað hȳ hine āþeċġan ġif hē on þrēat cymeð.

Unġelīċe is ūs.
Unġelīċe is ūs.
Unġelīċe is ūs.
Unġelīċe is ūs.

Wulf, mīn Wulf! wēna mē þīne
sēoċe ġedydon, þīne seldcymas,
murnende mōd, nales metelīste.

Ġehȳrest þū, Ēadwacer? Uncerne eargne hwelp
bireð wulf tō wuda.
Þæt mon ēaþe tōslīteð þætte nǣfre ġesomnad wæs,

uncer ġiedd ġeador.
uncer ġiedd ġeador.
uncer ġiedd ġeador.
uncer ġiedd ġeador.

Wulf is on an island, I on another.
That island is fast, enwarped with fens.
On this island, slaughter-cruel men are;
they will devour him if he approaches their pack.It is different with us.
It is different with us.
It is different with us.
It is different with us.I hounded Wulf with my wide-ranging hopes,
when it was rainy weather and I sat, wailing;
then the battle-strong boughs enclosed me:
for me there was joy, but also loathing.

Wulf, my Wulf! My desire for you
has made me sick, (your seldom-comings,
my mourning mind), more than meals missed.

Do you hear, Eadwacer? Our wretched whelp
a wolf bears to the woods.
One can easily sever that which was never joined:

our song together.
our song together.
our song together.
our song together.


Sal sér hon standa sólu fegra,
gulli þakðan á Gimléi;
þar skulu dyggvar dróttir byggja
ok um aldrdaga ynðis njóta.


þar skulu dyggvar dróttir byggja
ok um aldrdaga ynðis njóta

ynðis njóta
ynðis njóta
ynðis njóta

þar skulu dyggvar dróttir byggja
ok um aldrdaga ynðis njóta.

I see a hall standing there, more beautiful than sunlight, thatched with gold at Gimlé. There bold men will dwell and enjoy cheer throughout their lives.


There bold men will dwell and enjoy cheer throughout their lives.

Enjoy cheer
Enjoy cheer
Enjoy cheer

There bold men will dwell and enjoy cheer throughout their lives.


Höðr berr hávan hróðrbaðm þinig,
 hann mun Baldri at bana verða
ok Óðins son aldri ræna;
ok Óðins son aldri ræna;

Heim ríð þú, Óðinn, ok ver hróðigr, svá komir manna meir aftr á vit,
er lauss Loki líðr ór böndum
ok ragnarök rjúfendr koma.

Rindr berr Vála í vestrsölum, sá mun Óðins sonr einnættr vega: hönd of þvær né höfuð kembir, áðr á bál of berr Baldrs andskota;

Heim ríð þú, Óðinn, ok ver hróðigr, svá komir manna meir aftr á vit,
er lauss Loki líðr ór böndum
ok ragnarök rjúfendr koma.

Hoth will bear the long spear that will kill him,
he will be the killer of your son Balder,
and will steal the life of Odin’s son.
and will steal the life of Odin’s son.

Ride home, Odin! Feel triumphant, for now.
But you will come for a second visit
when Loki breaks free from his chains,
and Ragnarök comes to end everything

Rind will give birth to Vali in Vestrsalir,
he will avenge Balder when he is only one night old.
He will neither comb his hair nor wash his hands till he puts Balder’s killer on the funeral pyre.

Ride home, Odin! Feel triumphant, for now.
But you will come for a second visit
when Loki breaks free from his chains,
and Ragnarök comes to end everything


Her bið feoh læne,
her bið freond læne,
her bið mon læne,
her bið mæg læne,
eal þis eorþan gesteal
idel weorþeð!

Middangaerd, Middangaerd
Middangaerd, Middangaerd
Middangaerd, Middangaerd
Middangaerd, Middangaerd


Middangaerd, Middangaerd
Middangaerd, Middangaerd
Middangaerd, Middangaerd
Middangaerd, Middangaerd
Middangaerd, Middangaerd
Middangaerd, Middangaerd
Middangaerd, Middangaerd
Middangaerd, Middangaerd

Here money is fleeting,
here friend is fleeting,
here man is fleeting,
here kinsman is fleeting,
all the foundation of this world turns to waste!

Middle-Earth, Middle-Earth
Middle-Earth, Middle-Earth
Middle-Earth, Middle-Earth
Middle-Earth, Middle-Earth


Middle-Earth, Middle-Earth
Middle-Earth, Middle-Earth
Middle-Earth, Middle-Earth
Middle-Earth, Middle-Earth
Middle-Earth, Middle-Earth
Middle-Earth, Middle-Earth
Middle-Earth, Middle-Earth
Middle-Earth, Middle-Earth


Vígriðr, Viga-maðr
Óskópnir, Orrostumaðr

Hvé sá völlr heitir,
er finnask vígi at Surtr
ok in svásu goð.”

Hvé sá völlr heitir,
er finnask vígi at Surtr
ok in svásu goð.”

Vígriðr heitir völlr,
Vígriðr heitir völlr,
Vígriðr heitir völlr,
Vígriðr heitir völlr,

“Vígriðr heitir völlr,
er finnask vígi at
Surtr ok in svásu goð;
hundrað rasta
hann er á hverjan veg;
sá er þeim völlr vitaðr.”

Battle-surge, Fighter
Not yet created, Man of battle

What is the name
Of the valley where Surt
Will lead the final battle against the gods?

What is the name
Of the valley where Surt
Will lead the final battle against the gods?

That valley is named Vigrith,
That valley is named Vigrith,
That valley is named Vigrith,
That valley is named Vigrith,

That valley is named Vigrith,
Where Surt will lead
The final battle against the Gods.
It is one hundred miles long
On each side,
That’s why this valley is chosen.


No lyrics.

Baldrs Draumar

Senn váru æsir allir á þingi ok ásynjur allar á máli,
ok um þat réðu ríkir tívar,
hví væri Baldri ballir draumar.

Þá reið Óðinn fyrir austan dyrr,
 þar er hann vissi völu leiði;
nam hann vittugri valgaldr kveða,
 unz nauðig reis, nás orð of kvað:

“Hvat er manna þat mér ókunnra,
 er mér hefir aukit erfitt sinni?
Var ek snivin snævi ok slegin regni
 ok drifin döggu, dauð var ek lengi.”

Once all the Gods met for a conference, all the Goddesses met for a conference, and the mighty Gods talked about
why Balder was having bad dreams.

Then Odin rode east of the door to Hel,
and there he found the grave of a witch,
and then the battle God spoke a spell,
till her corpse was forced to rise, and spoke:

“Who is this man, unknown to me,
who has brought me back to a loathsome life? I was buried in snow, pelted by rain,